Sunday, March 16, 2014

Summary of Research

     After reading countless articles and scrolling through Pinterest of healthy things one should do in one's life, it's crazy to think how much I have learned. Not only have I learned healthy eating habits, but I have learned what are the necessities to maintaining a healthy diet, weight, and well being all together. I think in today's society, we base a lot of our eating habits based off of looks alone. Yes, the crispy cream doughnut looks good 24/7, but after doing some research and trying new foods, who would have known how much I love kale, or Brussels sprouts, or even salmon.  I never tried any of these foods simply because I was intimidated by what they looked like, and I was afraid they would be disgusting.
    I also enjoyed doing research for the healthy ways to lose weight. I feel like everywhere I turn, there is always someone talking about losing weight or maintaining a certain weight. I enjoyed researching the HEALTHY ways to lose weight. Cleansing your body with a drink, or fruits and veggies can help you out in the long run. If more people knew how much a "Green Machine" smoothie can benefit your health, I'm sure more people would be inclined to drinking one. My goal after countless searches online, is to get the word out there that simple changes in the diet can help in the long run. I never thought I would learn so much about a simple topic, but I was shocked about the results and motivations I have gained from this experience.

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