Monday, February 3, 2014

#3 - Addictive Ingredients

     Ever wonder why you can't have more than a few chips during one sitting? After one, do you always feel an urge to stuff your face with more? I thought I was the only one experiencing such thoughts, but I had no idea the food I was putting in my body was genetically modified into making it more addictive to eat...
     I always knew that when foods had GMO's in them, they were bad to eat. I had no idea that it meant Genetically Modified Organisms, a.k.a. some of the worse foods to eat for your health. I had no idea by consuming GMO's, you can develop life threatening allergies to foods. With GMO's, you simply don't know exactly what you are eating because it is genetically modified. You don't know the side effects you will have, or what to expect. 
   One reason for foods with GMO's to be so common is because of the United States advertising for them. In the 2013 Superbowl, Beyonce advertised a commercial for Pepsi that was worth over 50 million dollars! If GMO's are so  bad for us, then why are we wasting our time advertising them so frequently! 
   Some of the most popular foods that are genetically modified are potatoes, papaya, corn, soybeans, and even vegetable oil. Who knew that even vegetables can contain GMO's?! Studies have shown that 50 percent of males, and 75 percent of women die prematurely due to a GMO diet. About 70-95 percent of foods are now genetically modified... Lets make an end to GMO diets and start eating organic! Although it may be more expensive, it is definitely worth the extra buck or two. 

Food Fix
Hidden Dangers of GMO's

1 comment:

  1. I'm in the same boat as you! I had no idea my snacks are modified to be addictive. Hearing that's a little frightening. Also GMO's in vegetables is news to me... Reading this makes me think I should go organic!
