Friday, February 28, 2014

#6- 10 Most Hated Foods That You Should Be Eating Right Now

     When I came across this article, I was shocked at some of the foods on the list. Brussels Sprouts? YUCK! Liver? I think I'm going to be sick... I'm pretty sure I don't even know what a turnip is. Surprisingly I was shocked to see some of the other foods such as broccoli, eggplant, avocados, and spinach on the list as well. These are some of the foods I eat on a daily basis! So why are they so hated? And why are they so good for you?
     According to a recent study done by It's Not About Nutrition, people tend to avoid foods that they have never heard of or even tried. The color and even the shape of Brussels Sprouts scares people into never trying it. Instead of using all 5 senses into determining whether or not the food can be yummy to you is being thrown out the window. People are merely using sight to determine which foods they eat. I don't know about you but I would much rather dig into a vanilla coated Crispy Creme Doughnut than a nice slab of cow liver. But only judging the food by the mere look of it will never allow me to actually try one of the healthiest foods out there. To me, I believe that we live in a very materialistic society and in a way, we are bringing that into the foods we eat. If it doesn't look good or the look of it is different, we simply won't try it.
    What makes cottage cheese or fish so healthy for you? According to mensfitness, cottage cheese is extremely high in protein and low in carbohydrates. Most of its protein is casein, which is a protein that will reduce hunger for longer periods of time. It's also extremely high in calcium, which is important to bone structure. I know the thought of stuffing your face with curdled milk chunks sounds EXTREMELY intriguing, but by adding some fresh fruit or even some hot sauce can make it a delicious snack for any time of the day. The sight and texture of fish scares me to death. The thought of eating it raw freaks me out. After reading the health benefits, I have no shame in going to all you can eat sushi more often. "Children find everything wrong with seafood: fishy smell and taste, texture, bone paranoia, etc. However, as an adult, not enjoying the sea's bounty limits you from multiple ethnic cuisines. Not only that, it is the perfect protein source to help you lose weight and cut down on meat with saturated fat" Men's Fitness. By just eating two servings of fish per week, you can lower cholesterol levels in your body and get plenty of omega-3 to reduce risk of heart disease and stroke. If you don't like the taste, you can simply mask it with some delicious seasonings, or even throw it on a burger in substitution for ground beef.
   I know some of the foods seem extremely gross and unappetizing, but people will simply never know how good it is until they've tried it.

FUNNY QUOTE: "Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days" (Benjamin Franklin).


  1. I agree with you completely. I hate brussel sprouts just by looking at it and never even tried it. I think you make a really clear point on how society only judges food based on its appearance, like everything else we do.

  2. 2. I am also blogging about obesity and I also blogged about healthy foods that we should have in our diets. It is vital that people have fruits and vegetables in their diets because without a healthy lifestyle, your weight could go downhill. Most healthy foods to me I think are very good actually and it is a shame that people might not eat them because of their appearance or they never heard of them.

  3. I have to say I am one of those people who never try new foods. If it smells/looks weird I would never try it. I am one of those boring people that whenever I go out to dinner I always get a cheeseburger. My mom always says you'll never know until you try it. Sometimes I do try new foods and I surprisingly like it! What I learned is never to be afraid to try knew food!
